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The Lone Rose:

The Lone Rose ?represents all the children, according to prolifedallas.org over 64 million, who have lost their lives through abortion since the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe versus Wade. That is an astounding number, over 64 million. It's over twice the population of our own state of Texas!  Sadly, this number does not reflect the entire world rather - the United Sates alone.   Help us help mothers make the choice for Life! 

Choices and Consequences.. 

We all have choices and God gave us "Free Will".  Right or wrong, good or bad - all choices have consequences.  We can not undo a wrong action or a sin, we can only repent, ask for forgiveness and receive His Mercy which is endless.   A person may choose an abortion thinking it may end their problems, not realizing it is the beginning of something they will never be able to undo, ever.   Who is Jane Roe - CLICK HERE for an interesting analysis by Trent Horn.  

Choose Life

Women may feel scared, lost, unsure, and very alone when an unexpected pregnancy occurs.  Our Knights of Columbus Council 6065 brings awareness to this issue annually with our Lone Rose Sunday Campaign.  We strive to assist these women by your thoughtful financial donations, material donations, and prayers.  See more on how we help below.

“If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”

- St teresa of calcutta

How We Can Help Keep The Lamp Burning

Knights of Columbus Council 6065 works with the parish and the local community to assist in financial donations, material supplies and most important joining us in prayers to end all abortion.  

New Born Baby

Financial Donations

100% of our financial donations goes towards local Catholic Pregnancy Crisis Centers

These pregnancy centers use the funds for operating costs which makes it possible to make various resources available to women that may be in need.  Resources include but not limited to - council, pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, childbirth and parenting classes, community referrals, and material assistance.  Click on link above or CLICK HERE to help support these services.  KofC ushers will have collection boxes  available at exits on Lone Rose Sunday Weekend Masses.  Jan 18-19, 2025.  Please make checks payable to "Knights of Columbus Council 6065" Announcement and link should be in bulletin as well.

Baby Supplies

Material Donations

Our local pregnancy crisis centers are always in need of blankets, clothes, strollers, cribs as well as disposable diapers.

Every year, the Knights of Columbus #6065 sets out a baby crib out in the Narthex to collect these items over time.  This year, the crib should be available to drop off donations from Jan 18 to TBD.  This gives us ample time to donate items.  If you have items you wish to donate and are unable to bring to church, send email to Gerald Enriquez at [email protected] or feel free to text/call him at 817-727-5634 .  All items will be delivered to the local pregnancy centers.  

Praying Hnads

Prayers - Pray Unceasingly 

Most importantly, join us in prayer to end all abortion.  Please remember, prayer is also about listening to God.  If you feel called to participate in this movement, just say "Yes" as Mary did and then act.

Pray for all the mothers and their babies, especially those moms who are most in need.  Pray quietly by yourself, pray with your family, pray with your church and community and take the opportunity to pray where it all started in Dallas.  Join us at the ProLife  Mass and North Texas March for Life and Rally.  See below for more information.  

-st. John Paul II

“America you are beautiful…and blessed…. The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless. If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life.”


Every year, a Mass and a march are held in Dallas on the  anniversary of Roe Vs Wade.  Your support and participation is appreciated.  Events include Rosary, Mass, March, and ProLife Rally.  

visit link below for complete details

Church on Abortion Presentation



About Knights of Columbus Council #6065

Our council, Knights of Columbus of Santa Maria Council #6065 has been serving our parish, St Mark the Evangelist and local communities for over 30 years.  We serve with four core principles - Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.  For more information about our council visit our website by clicking the link below.   

Pro-Life Local Ministry Support

If you or someone you know is in immediate need of support, please visit either of these local ministries.  Their page has updated contact names and phone numbers to call to seek and receive assistance.  

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